Catastrophic Risks and Their Examination within the Scope of Agricultural Insurance in Turkey

Agriculture, risk, catastrophic risks, insurance, agricultural insuranceAbstract
In many countries of the world, the agricultural sector and all stakeholders operating in this sector face many risks. While the majority of these risks can be eliminated by various measures that can be taken, human beings are often helpless in the face of natural disasters such as earthquakes, droughts, floods and storms, known as Catastrophic Risks. Governments can prevent possible damages by taking various measures regarding the agricultural sector. The most important of these measures is Agricultural Insurance. Agricultural insurance is an effective mechanism in reducing the economic losses that farmers may encounter as a result of risks such as floods, drought, natural disasters, accidents and diseases. In this study, catastrophic risks and the damages that these risks may cause are examined in the context of agricultural insurance in Turkey. Qualitative method was used in the study. By making use of the studies in the relevant literature on the subject, documents and document reviews and evaluations were made by using secondary data about agriculture, agricultural sector, risk, catastrophic risks and insurance practices in the agricultural sector. According to the results of the study, agricultural insurance in Turkey is implemented by Tarsim, the necessary guarantees for insurable risks are provided as standard, wider guarantees on the basis of product and region are optionally possible thanks to additional contracts and additional premiums, while catastrophic risks are excluded from the scope. It was concluded.
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