About the Journal
ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences has been published 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December) by IKSAD (Institute of Economic Development and Social Research) since 2017.
The journal was established to present to the scientific community original studies in all fields of agriculture and agriculture-related sciences from Türkiye and all over the world, which have not been published or sent elsewhere for publication.
At least 2 or 3 external and independent referees who are experts in their fields are appointed by the section editor to evaluate the articles deemed appropriate. Each article is evaluated through a double-blind peer review process (neither the author nor the referee identities are disclosed). Articles sent to the authors along with the referee report should be corrected and sent back to the editor as soon as possible.
The journal accepts research articles online with the Open Journal System (OJS) and offers the articles in all issues to the service of stakeholders with unlimited access facilities. As it is known, Open Journal Systems increase the impact of articles by offering more qualified viewing opportunities to all readers on a national and international scale compared to subscription distribution systems. OJS systems also provide easy access to researchers in terms of indexing, retrieval, free access and duplication.
Every article published in the journal since 2020 has given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number. ORCID numbers of all article authors must be stated on the article title page as of January 2020. Authors who do not have an ORCID number must obtain a number by registering at www.orcid.org. ORCID number is mandatory. Articles that do not have an ORCID number or are incorrect will not be evaluated. Since it is obligatory to provide ORCID numbers on articles accepted for publication, the "Title Page" must be filled completely in this sense in the article submission (upload) process.
Current Issue
Full Issue
Effects of Adding Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) In Rations on Fattening Performance and Blood Oxidant-Antioxidant Balance in Rams
Abstract views: 231 /
PDF downloads: 128
Investigation of Dry Herbage Yield and Some Quality Characteristics of Sorghum x Sudan Grass Hybrid Varieties Grown Under Semi-Humid Ecological Conditions
Abstract views: 178 /
PDF downloads: 111
Trend Analysis of Some Crop Yields and Agro-Meteorologic Drought in the Trakya Region
Abstract views: 122 /
PDF downloads: 64
The Effect of Different Planting Times on the Agricultural Characters of Some Safflower Cultivars Planted in Elazig Ecological Conditions
Abstract views: 155 /
PDF downloads: 69
Assessment of Some Physico-Chemical Properties of Cherry Orchard Soils of Andırın- Çiğşar Region
Abstract views: 163 /
PDF downloads: 79
Determination of Fungi and Apple Fruit Contamination in the Room Atmosphere in Traditional Cold Storages in Isparta Province
Abstract views: 110 /
PDF downloads: 44
Determination of The Effect of Nitrogenous Fertilization on Grain Quality Characterıstics in Wheat
Abstract views: 106 /
PDF downloads: 47
Detection of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) in Antalya Province Lettuce Production Areas by Serological and Molecular Methods
Abstract views: 124 /
PDF downloads: 41
Determination of Antioxidant Activities of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench. Plant Extracts Harvested at Different Times
Abstract views: 123 /
PDF downloads: 56
Investigation of Some Antibiotic Residue Levels in Honey Produced in Ardahan Province
Abstract views: 122 /
PDF downloads: 42
Achene and Flower Characteristics of Some Centaurea Species Collected from Diyarbakır (Türkiye)
Abstract views: 133 /
PDF downloads: 53
Isolation and Identification of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) from the Rhizosphere of Thymus vulgaris L.
Abstract views: 117 /
PDF downloads: 64
The Impact of Different Planting Systems in Maize-Mung Bean Production on the Silage Quality and Fermentation in Second Product Conditions
Abstract views: 128 /
PDF downloads: 79
Effect of Adding Different Rates of Bee Pollen to Quail Rations on Performance and Carcass Parameters
Abstract views: 146 /
PDF downloads: 58
Anfis Based Reference Evapotranspiration (ET0) Estimation Using Limited and Different Climate Parameters
Abstract views: 117 /
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Possibilities of Using Peach Pulp as a Carbohydrate Source in Alfalfa Silages
Abstract views: 116 /
PDF downloads: 60
The Forming with Seasonal Time Series Analysis of the Ayran Production Model in Türkiye
Abstract views: 145 /
PDF downloads: 84
Stimulatory Effects of Different Seed Priming Treatments on Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Sugar Beet
Abstract views: 158 /
PDF downloads: 68
Microbiological Analysis in Terms of Animal Nutrition Fish of Meal Produced in the Black Sea Region in Türkiye
Abstract views: 157 /
PDF downloads: 56
Opinion of Academicians Regarding the Use of the CRISPR-Cas System in Türkiye
Abstract views: 135 /
PDF downloads: 49
Aflatoxin Risk in Pepper Crops and Flaked Pepper in Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey
Abstract views: 230 /
PDF downloads: 85
Effect of Cadmium Toxicity on Some Physiological and Biochemical Properties of the Sage Plant (Salvia officinalis L.)
Abstract views: 140 /
PDF downloads: 73
An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Agricultural Revenue and Tax Burden
Abstract views: 178 /
PDF downloads: 93