The Changes Caused By Different Iron Forms in Growth of Bean (Phaseoulus vulgaris L. Var Nana) Under Cadmium Stress

Inorganic iron, organic iron, nano iron, bean, cadmium, plant growthAbstract
İn this study, it was aimed that determination of effects of differrent iron forms on plant growth and nutrient and cadmium uptake of bean in cadmium contaminated growth media. The experiment was conducted out according to factorial experimental design as three replication in chamber room belong Soil Science And Plant Nutrition Department under controlled conditions. Phaseoulus vulgaris L. Var Nana was used as experimental plant. Inorganic iron (FeSO4.7H2O), organic iron (Fe-EDDHA), ve nano iron used different iron forms were applied at two levels as 0-15 mg kg-1. Cadmium was used at three different levels as 0-40-80 mg kg-1. The experiment was ended after eight weeks following seed sowing. The growth criteria, nutrient and cadmium uptake were determinated in harvested plants. Effects of different iron forms on plant length (p<0.05), root length and root dry weight (p<0.01), were found significant statistically. Effects of iron doses on plant length, plant dry weight (p<0.05) and root length (p<0.05) were determined at significant levels. The highest plant length (37.72 cm), plant dry weight (0.97 g) and root fresh weight (2.76 g) means were determined in non Cd contaminated growth media. Generally increasing Cd doses negatively affected plant growth criteria. The alleviations were suplied in plant growth criteria by inorganic iron applications. The highest nutrient uptake means were obtained in non Cd contaminated growth media with first doses of organic iron applications and second doses of nano iron applications. The highest Cd uptake means in plants and roots was determined as 7.44 mg pot-1 and 65.14 mg pot-1 in Cd2 dose respectively.
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