Pre-Study for Red Lentil Landraces (Lens culinaris Medik.) of Midyat Province

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  • Hüsnü AKTAŞ Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi/Kızıltepe Meslek Yüksekokulu/Bitkisel Ve Hayvansal Üretim Bölümü/Tohumculuk Teknolojisi Programı



Midyat, lentil, yield, quality


This study was conducted to characterization of historical Midyat Red Lentil landraces that prefered by consumers because of desirable traits for taste and aroma interms of some agronomic and quality traits. Experiment was performed with 2 replications in 2020-21 growing season at field farmer, Kızıltepe province. Examined traits of genotypes were found statisticaly signifigant. Fırat-87 was most yielding variety for grain yield (250 kg da-1) while Midyat-1 landrace (220 kg da-1) showed similar perfromance to checks for grain yield. Observatons indicated that landraces had a lower plant height and first pod, while checks had earlier flowering and maturity time compare to Red lentil landraces.  Among the red lentil landraces, Midyat-1 population  for dry seed weight (5.05 g), Midyat-2 for wet seed weight (9.55 g) showed higher values than modern varieties while, Midyat-3 showed desirable traits for dry volüme (58.0 ml) and wet volüme (112.5 ml). Results indicated that red lentil landraces have huge potential to improve high quality varieties and could be used as genitor in breeding programs.


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How to Cite

AKTAŞ, H. . (2021). Pre-Study for Red Lentil Landraces (Lens culinaris Medik.) of Midyat Province. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(4), 881–889.


