Cadmium Pollution Impairs Maize Growth and Uptake of Cationic Essential Nutrients

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  • Rengin YERLİKAYA ANLİ Dicle University, Faculty of Agriculture, Vocational School of Agriculture, Department of Crop and Animal Production, Organic Agriculture Program
  • Veysi AKŞAHİN Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Adana
  • Şeyhmus DÜNDAR Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Adana
  • Nadia Ali Sir Elkhtim AHMET Universty Of Khartoum Faculty of Agriculture department of Soil and environment Sciences Sudan



Cadmium, Macro nutrient, micronutrient, nutrient content, nutrient concentration


Human population is anticipated to increase to 9.8 billion by 2050 and this increase causes a more intensive agricultural production. The soils are polluted as the farming activities are intensified. Fertilizers and the pesticides that are used in agriculture and the imbalanced industrialization cause heavy metals to move into the soil thereby creating soil-environmental pollution. Cadmium (Cd), one of the heavy metals, is also present in the biosphere, enters the soil as a result of natural processes and anthropogenic activities, exerting toxic effects on agricultural products, food chain and living organisms. This highly toxic and dangerous metal has come to the fore with its important role in environmental pollution due to its various usage areas.  In this study, the effects of three different Cd doses on the cationic macro and micronutrient content of maize plant was investigated. Cadmium application at 2.5 and 5.0 mg kg-1 decreased shoot dry matter by % 10.8 and % 20.0 respectively compared with control treatment. While the highest macro and micronutrient contents were obtained in the control treatment, the lowest values were obtained in the Cd5 treatment. Cadmium applications were not statistically significant in shoot K, Mg and Ca concentrations but significantly decreased K and Ca contents. Compared with the control treatment, Cd applications at 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg were determined to decrease the K content by % 9.9 and % 18.4 and Ca content by 17.7% and 21.3% respectively. When the Cd concentration and content are determined, the highest values were found to be in the Cd5 treatment. Consequently, increased Cd accumulation in shoots was determined to be associated with decreases in K, Ca, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn uptake of maize plant. Therefore, close monitoring of nutritional problems that can potentially occur in agricultural areas contaminated with Cd might be beneficial for the evaluation of different solution proposals


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How to Cite

YERLİKAYA ANLİ, R. ., AKŞAHİN, V. ., DÜNDAR, Şeyhmus ., & AHMET, N. A. S. E. . (2022). Cadmium Pollution Impairs Maize Growth and Uptake of Cationic Essential Nutrients . ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(1), 144–153.


