The Effect of Using Different Forms of Probiotic (Bacillus sp.) on Fattening Performance, Blood and Carcass Parameters in Japanese quail (Couturnix Couturnix Japonica)

Jaon Bıldırcını, Besi Performansı, ProbiyotikAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the effects of probiotic supplementation in quail diets at different rates on fattening performance and carcass parameters. The study used 800 mixed-sex quail chicks at one day of age. Quail chicks were randomly divided into 4 main groups of 200 chicks each and 5 subgroups of 40 chicks in each main group. The control group (Count), the positive control group (ant) with 0.1% antibiotic 'Neomycin Sulfate' added to the basal ration, and the Trial (DT) group with 0.5% powdered Bacillus Suptilis spores added to the basal ration, fed basal ration and fed 1% water to basic ration consisting of 4 different groups as experimental group (DS) with 0.1 'Bacillus Suptilis' added. The research was conducted in a cage environment for 42 days. At the end of the study, the highest body weight and body weight gain were recorded in the DS group and the lowest body weight in the Count group. When examining the CAs recorded during the study, the highest value was found in the DS group. When the YYO and PT data were examined in the study, statistically significant differences were found between the experimental and control groups. In the ileal tissue studies, the difference between the groups in terms of villus length and crypt depth was insignificant. While the weights of liver, gizzard and other internal organs differed between the groups due to the addition of probiotics to the ration, no statistical difference was found in relation to heart weight. Differences between males and females were found in the carcass and, accordingly, in almost all parameters. Given that this difference is due to gender, comparisons were made between the same gender and different groups. As a result; Considering the positive effects on fattening performance and other measured parameters, it is believed that the use of probiotics in both powder and liquid form will positively contribute to quail performance.
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