Investigation of Quality Traits of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties Winter Grown in Different Locations

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Adana, Sanlıurfa, chickpea, variety, quality


This research was carried out in the experimental fields of the Regional Agricultural Research Institutes in the ecological conditions of the Eastern Mediterranean Region (Adana province) and Southeastern Anatolia Region (Şanlıurfa province). The research was executed according to the randomized blocks experimental design in the growing seasons of 2014 and 2015. The aim of the study is to determine the quality characteristics of 23 chickpea genotypes (20 genotypes and 3 control varieties (Hasanbey, Seckin, Inci)) grown in different locations. As a result of the research, in Adana location, it was determined that  dry weight  53.74-33.21 g, wet weight 112.27-64.20 g, water intake capacity 0.59-0.24 g/seed, water intake index 1.12-0.91%, dry volume 91-75 ml, wet volume 200.00-154.50 ml, swelling capacity 0.51-0.02 ml/seed, swelling index ​​ values 2.45-2.19% varied between. However, in Sanlıurfa location, it was detected that dry weight 51.01-29.70 g, wet weight 110.10-59.08 g, water absorption capacity 0.60-0.24 g/seed, water absorption index 1.44-0.97%, dry volume 90.00-71.50 ml, wet volume 199.00-150.50 ml, swelling capacity 0.59-0.29 ml/seed and swelling index 2.97-2.11% varied between.


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How to Cite

MART, D., & AKIN, R. . (2022). Investigation of Quality Traits of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties Winter Grown in Different Locations. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(3), 520–529.


