Effects of Addition of Different Additives to Sorghum Silage on Aerobic Stability
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Silage, aerobic stability, Lactobacillus buchneri, propionic acid, thermal camera, temperature sensorAbstract
This study was designed to determine the effects of additive addition on aerobic stability of sorghum silages opened after 45 days of fermentation under field conditions. Four treatment groups were formed as control (+), control (-), Lactobacillus buchneri (LAB) and propionic acid (PA) additives. Control (+) group was added 20 ml of water equivalent to the other treatment groups and C (-) group was not added. Dry matter (DM), pH, carbon dioxide (CO2), lactic acid (LA), water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and microbiological analyses were performed on silage samples taken on days 0, 2, 4 and 7 of the aerobic stability period. During the seven-day aerobic stability period, the temperature changes of the silages were monitored with a temperature sensor (TS), thermal camera (TC) and thermometer (T) at the same time. By correlation analysis, CO2, T, TC and TS data were compared with the values of aerobic stability parameters by considering the increase and decrease of yeast values. According to the data obtained at the end of the study, it was determined that LAB supplementation increased the aerobic stability time compared to the control groups, while PA supplementation prevented the deterioration of aerobic stability in sorghum silage. It was determined that CO2, T, TC and TS methods were compatible with yeast increases and decreases in aerobic stability measurement, and CO2, TC and TS methods were better than T measurement method. As a result, it is concluded that TC and TS methods may be more suitable for field conditions than the CO2 method, which is difficult and laborious to use.
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