Determination of the Promising Advanced Bread Wheat Lines in Terms of Quality Traits in the Thrace Region

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Triticum aestivum L., protein, gluten, sedimentation


This study was carried out in Tekirdağ-Hayrabolu and Edirne locations in order to investigate some advanced bread wheat lines in terms of some quality traits under the conditions of Thrace Region during 2020-2021 wheat growing period. The study also aimed to identify promising advanced bread wheat lines with product quality suitable for the Thrace Region, which are suitable for registration and have gene source potential. In the experiments, 10 advanced bread wheat lines (NZFE 197, NZFE 199, NZFE 200, NZFE 201, NZFE 202, NZFE 204, NZFE 209, NZFE 213, NZFE 215 and NZFE 218) and 5 standard bread wheat varieties (Gelibolu, Selimiye, Rumeli, NKÜ Lider and Esperia) were used as materials. The experiments were conducted in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Protein ratio, wet gluten content, gluten index, zeleny sedimentation value and delayed sedimentation value were investigated in the study. It was determined that protein ratio 11.95%-14.98, wet gluten content 26.83-34.83 %, gluten index 85.33-96.00 %, zeleny sedimentation value 33.17-55.50 ml and delayed sedimentation value 42.33-69.83 ml were varied. The best results after our standard varieties were obtained from advanced lines. In conclusion, it can be said that NZFE 204 and NZFE 213 advanced lines for quality traits are promising variety candidates for Thrace Region. These lines were taken into registration experiments for re-testing.


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How to Cite

ÇALIŞKAN, O. ., & BALKAN, A. (2024). Determination of the Promising Advanced Bread Wheat Lines in Terms of Quality Traits in the Thrace Region. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(3), 560–571.


