Effects of Different Irrigation Methods on Oil Content and Fatty Acids Formation in Some Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Varieties

Cotton, irrigation methods, fatty acids, fat content, environmental conditionsAbstract
This study was conducted during the 2022 cotton growing season in the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture at Harran University, using the randomized split-plot design with Fiona and May-455 cotton varieties. Irrigation methods were determined as furrow irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and drip irrigation. In the study, fat content (%) was determined from saturated and unsaturated fatty acids such as myristic acid (c14:0), palmitic acid (c16:0), stearic acid (c18:0), oleic acid (c18:1), linoleic acid (c18:2) and nervonic acid (c24:1) ratios were determined as (%). As a result of the study, it was observed that furrow irrigation increased the oil content compared to drip and sprinkler irrigation. Among the varieties, May-455 was found to have a higher oil content compared to the Fiona variety. Palmitic acid (c16:0) has a significant effect in terms of irrigation methods and cotton varieties, and oil ratio (%) has a significant effect only in terms of cotton varieties. However, there was no significant effect on myristic acid (c14:0), stearic acid (c18:0), cis-oleic acid (c18:1n9c), cis-linoleic acid (c18:2n6c), and nervonic acid (c24:1). It is believed that the composition of oil fatty acids in oil crops is influenced not only by ecological and various other factors but also by genotype.
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