The Importance of Fertilizers Containing Organic Matter in Chickpea Cultivation

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  • Özge UÇAR Ziraat Fakültesi


Organic fertilizer, chickpea, yield, bacteria, microbial, plant


With the increasing awareness and welfare of the society, the importance of healthy nutrition is increasing day by day. Accordingly, the demand for products grown in the world market using organic and good agricultural practices has increased. Rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, chickpeas are used in human and animal nutrition. Along with the search for clean food, the cultivation techniques and conditions used have been shaped accordingly. Studies have been continuing from past to present to improve the yield and quality in chickpea cultivation by using fertilizers containing various organic matter alone or in combination. In this review, fertilizers containing organic matter, chickpea yield, quality, nodulation, drought resistance and so on. By considering the studies conducted to determine the effects on their properties, it was aimed to expand the use of organic fertilizers for the production of healthier and higher quality chickpeas by participating in the plant production cycle with the sustainability of natural resources, recycling of animal waste.


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How to Cite

Özge UÇAR. (2019). The Importance of Fertilizers Containing Organic Matter in Chickpea Cultivation. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(1), 116–127. Retrieved from


